Click here to access GeoPEI: Prince Edward Island Historical Map Viewer
GeoPEI is a web portal developed by Dr. MacFadyen and students in the GeoREACH Lab. Its purpose is to share maps, atlases, aerial photos, and geospatial data in an online map (aka. a webmap) that allows the public to explore the history of Prince Edward Island, Canada.
The GeoPEI portal takes maps that have been digitized by libraries such as UPEI Robertson Library’s Island Imagined project (for more see, and it overlays them on modern maps of PEI such as satellite images, street grids, and the latest aerial photos produced by the province. It also provides access to the Province’s aerial photographs going back to 1968 and 1935. In the future, users will also be able to find historical data such as the Island’s buildings, properties, roads, and other built infrastructure..
Users may toggle between seven historical maps and aerial photo layers, as well as the 2020 aerial photos and a number of basemaps in the ArcGIS Online viewer. Search for an address or location using the glass at the top left. Next to it are tools for measuring features and changing the basemap. Note, the default basemap (imagery hybrid) keeps the roads and place name labels above the historical layers. This is often helpful for identifying land use change. If you prefer not to see the labels, change the basemap to the plain imagery option. Happy historical mapping! The full url to GeoPEI is